Add to that some beautiful girls with their hair done by Megan @ ARIA & make-up by Jo @ Sybaris Beauty (15 Market Square)... it was of course the night of the St Mary's Yr 10 Graduation! I took along Nat and she cleverly set up our little intro shot as we waited for the girls to come on board!

Soon it was us squealing with delight when the girls arrived.... twins... uber-sweet twins! With their gorgeous Mum, who told us that their Nona had made their dresses, yep, HOW SPECIAL IS THAT?! So much detail and love stitched into each dress!
The girls weren't used to the attention...

and tried to blend in as the ship was being photographed by numerous families on the wharf .... and then WIN television arrived!

The girls took it all in their stride and were model material in no time!

This was going to be a fun night!

And how nice to share it with your twin!

The girls were just stunning...

and so unaware of their youthful beauty.

And unaware of the second camera...while she thought I was shooting her sister, I snapped this....

And then Nat got this! Go Nat, this was a great catch! (Staying with the ship theme!!!)

So sweet...

So serious...
So special!

Nat couldn't get enough of the girls, and did a great job in capturing them! (Thanks for coming along for some fun!)

We hope the excitement of the shoot lasted long into the night and your Graduation was as amazing as you two!
Thanks for allowing us to be part of it! A special Thanks to Megan & Jo for doing up the girls so beautifully!

Keep your eye out for your online gallery! xx
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